December is a lovely & romantic month. All the shopping malls full of Christmas decorations. Everyone plans where to go & how to celebrate Christmas & New Year (including me). Mmm...any idea? I wish I can go to Tanzini restaurant this coming month. But I'm sure this restaurant is fully booked on 24/25/31 dec. : (

Tanzini, a very high class restaurant, is located on 28th of GTower, Jalan Tun Razak. (why I keep on promoting this restaurant?). Because of its nice environment with KLCC view.

I keep on asking myself- whose birthday is coming?or any farewell? hahaha.... I just want to give myself a reason/excuse of going to this restaurant for dinner. hahaha...So, who interested? I should buy a nice dress, be 1day rich lady  & enjoy my dinner at there. (lol, dreaming again.)


当烦恼越来越多 玻璃弹珠越来越少 我知道我已慢慢地长大了
红色的蜻蜓曾几何时 也在我岁月慢慢不见了

还记得这是小学六年级的经典歌曲,11年后听见这首歌却有着不一样的感觉,一种酸溜溜的感觉。时间过得真快,好怀念以前的读书生活。烦恼真的越来越多,总是有解决不完的问题,其实外表坚强的我偶尔也想有个肩膀依靠,至少不会感觉孤单(哈哈,只是突然感触)。23年,不断地改变,惊觉地发现自己原来变了许多。内向的我却变成主动的我(有多主动?私底下告诉你。。哈哈。。)。有人说“你很静!”但我总是怎么回答“你还没看过我疯癫的时候。” 听着这首歌,我会想起很多事,开心的,伤心的,依依的在我心里。突然间,我问了自己一个问题 “有做过后悔的事吗?”想了想。。。有吗?不知道为何有想哭的感觉,那个感觉很难形容,不是伤心,只是生命没take 2,错过的东西,不会再回来。我记得小学儿童节的情景;我记得中学跳舞的日子;我记得大学第一个旅行的趣事。你们还记得吗?红色的蜻蜓曾几何时 也在我岁月慢慢不见了。。。红色的蜻蜓就如我的朋友。。。每个人都有他们的生活了,再聚也可能是几年后的事,你们最近过得好吗? :)

New Life

During my Uni study life (2007-2010), my lifestyle--> slept at 3am/4am & wake up at 11am/12pm. I love calculation & figure but not accounting (income statement/balance sheet) & I hate doing thesis because I need to do research & waste a lot of time. I cant get A in all my accounting subjects.
What kind of lifestyle now?
I slept at 10pm, wake up at 6am. I work as research analyst & need to analyse & key in financial statement & I have to do some research. Ops! 360 degree changes! haha... its unbelievable. Everyday research, calling, data entry, analysis.
I joined my 1st company since october 2010. Quite tired as I need to OT to finish my works on time but I love my team members, they are friendly & willing to teach me [I'm the youngest & got a lot of nicknames that created by my senior :) ].
As fresh graduate, I didnt request/demand/think too much for my 1st job. What I need is working experience & salary that can cover my expenses + extra money for me to save. I heard quite a lot of comments (regarding my company) from my seniors. What's wrong? mmm...Quite P&C :) haha.. I noticed that this company has high employees turnover, but what are the factors? I really dont know. It is a multinational company & has branches in more than 30 countries. (wah?) In Msia, this company joint venture with a Sing company. So... I believe that 99.9% of my friends dont know about my company. Curious about how I get this job? The answer:through jobstreet. I'm one of them who doesnt know this company at all before I joined this company. :P
I really learned a lot from my seniors. Eg- How to give a credit rating for a company. Thanks for my seniors.
How about my study? the answer: blank.
I stop (temporary) my study. The reason is I feel tired after working & no motivation to study. A bit suffer how should I haddle my study. Everytime look at the book, max 2 pages, I will feel mood, pls come pls come... (lol, look like those chines ppl 招魂)
November, my lovely month. (Happy Birthday to myself <3)