Yesterday reached home around 10.30pm. After settled everything, I decided to sign in my msn(d long time didn’t sign in) & find some1 for chatting. The moment I on9 in msn, something pop out! “Cy! Cy!” Somebody sent this to me. Sound like something happen and this person is it going to tell me some bad news? The next sentence that person sent to me is… “He got some problems”. Mmm…who is him? ‘He’ refers to…? I asked that person & I got this answer ‘the one who is in the hospital’. Huh? Who is in the hospital? I asked again & again. I got an answer in my mind, but I don’t wish that is the answer. I’m panic. I asked that person who is that person! Say clearly plz! That person told me that ‘he’ got healthy problem & start explaining what the problem is. The person didn’t answer me who is ‘he’. At the moment I’m going to be crazy, I asked that person ‘tell me who is in the hospital now?’ ‘Okay, nobody in the hospital, ‘XX’ also not in the hospital’ Finally that person gv me ‘his’ name.(As I expected.) I continued asking that person what is happening. I almost wanna call to him and asking what is happening. In the end, that person said this is a joke, and that person always uses this kind of method to start a conversation. 3 words ‘used to be’. Unacceptable! That person fool me. I just realized. I keep on scolding that person. But that person tak ada perasaan!!! That person told me u really concerned about him. Yes. Its true. BUT! If you heard about this kind of bad news, what is your response? I’m panic when I heard this and the moment when I’m chatting with this person, my sis came back & saw my look. A pale & sickly complexion…She asked ‘are you okay?’ Please, to my all dear friends, I don’t like to be fooled especially this kind of ‘bad news’. April’s fool is coming, I wish nobody fool me again.